Every show has rules, terms and conditions. Mainly for your own safety and to ensure that the event runs fairly, professionally and successfully year after year. Ours is no different. Please take note of the show Terms and Conditions below before purchasing a wristband or reserving an indoor car display spot.
1. Admission to the venue and the event will be entirely at your own risk. Neither the venue, the organisers, Dodo Juice Ltd or Summit Else Ltd will be held liable for any loss, cost, expense, injury or damage sustained at the venue and/or event.
2. No animals are allowed into the venue and car parks, apart from guide dogs for the sight- or hearing-impaired.
3. You will comply with all reasonable safety and other announcements and/or directions whilst attending the event.
4. No duplicate wristbands/tickets will be issued for lost wristbands/tickets and no refunds will be offered (save in the event of cancellation or rescheduling).
5. You are responsible for your personal possessions, including your vehicle, and you accept that neither the venue, organisers, Dodo Juice Ltd nor Summit Else Ltd accept any liability for loss or damage to, or theft of, personal property howsoever caused.
6. Glass bottles, food and drink should not be taken into the venue. Suitably packaged food and drink is available to purchase inside the venue if required.
7. Unauthorised trading, flyering, bannering, photography for commercial gain or any other activity deemed inappropriate is not allowed.
8. You must familiarise yourself with fire safety precautions at the show upon entry to the exhibition hall.
9. All litter must be put into the bins provided.
10. All attractions are subject to change, postponement and/or cancellation.
11. Indoor display cars will only be admitted if they arrive on or before the specified time for their ticket type, with their fuel light on.
12. No refund will be given to indoor display car spot ticket purchasers who fail to display their car inside the hall; the ticket reserves the space only and does not guarantee a position and the organisers reserve the right to put other vehicles into the reserved slot if they wish to do so.
13. No refund for car parking will be given, if car parking has been paid inadvertently or accidentally.
14. Display cars inside the hall cannot be moved from show opening until show closing.
15. Please drive carefully to and from the event and NEVER drink and drive.
16. The organisers reserve the right to refuse admission.
17. You may be photographed and/or filmed whilst attending the event and such photographs/films can be used for promotional purposes.
18. Waxstock is a registered trade mark, all rights reserved.
19. To avoid trade mark infringement, Waxstock merchandise, Waxstock branded products and Waxstock promotions must be approved by the organisers and in some circumstances a licensing fee will need to be paid.
20. To keep staff and other visitors safe, please do not attend the show if you are showing any signs of illness, including COVID symptoms; you can contact us for a full refund if unable to attend due to illness.
21. By entering the show you agree to read, understand and abide by these terms and conditions.
22. Terms and conditions subject to change; please check these terms and conditions on the day before the event for the final version.